Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Dubya Out-Dubya-ed by Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer

I don't know much about Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, but I like him already, based on this Los Angeles Times story about Schweitzer's reaction to Dubya's Social Security piratization spiel. The article titled "Montana Governor Isn't Cowed by Bush" and subtitled "Democrat likens pitch for Social Security plan to livestock auction that fails to tempt buyers," is packed with juicy Schweitzer quotes:
President Bush often quips that the aura of the White House intimidates visitors, leaving would-be critics to express only niceties.

But the presidential mansion — and its current occupant — apparently did not have that effect Monday on Montana's new governor, who made some sharp comments after Bush tried to promote his Social Security overhaul to a group of governors consumed by other matters.

A no-nonsense rancher and wheat farmer who took office six weeks ago in a Republican state, Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer likened the president's pitch to a magic show trick featuring a rabbit in a hat.

He also compared it to a bull auction hawking lousy studs.
Commenting on Bush's audience of governors, Schweitzer said, "I didn't see a lot of buyers in the room." Not enough Bush digs for you? Schweitzer also:
... compared Bush's promotion of Social Security changes to a magician with a hat in his right hand that he is waving around with "wide gestures" to distract his audience.

Today we're talking about Social Security, something that might happen 20, 30, 40 years from now," Schweitzer said. "But guess what's really happening, over in the left hand? We're cutting Medicaid. We're cutting programs in the heartland.
Perhaps it takes a real rancher like Governor Schweitzer to call Bush on his bullcrapola.

(Many thanks to my good pal and fellow Big Bush Lies contributor Lisa Kadonaga for sending me this link.)

The Gov. sounds like he might have a future outside Montana.
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